
Stay informed about important events

We keep our database up to date 24 hours a day, so we can inform you immediately and automatically inform you of any important changes to the companies you monitor.

Alerts page
Vlaamse Overheid
SD Worx
Up-to-date information

Receive updates of key moments in the web app, your mailbox and your own software with Companyweb's alerts service.

Roel Lemmens
"Since we started using Companyweb, we no longer go after defaulters, we avoid them."
Roel Lemmens
Containers Maes - National Sales & Marketing Director
Monitor your customer base
Targeted follow-up with filters

Use filters to zoom in on the information you are interested in.

Alerts from France and the Netherlands

With our International Alerts extension you can also receive updates from your customers in France and the Netherlands.

Alerts International
Integrate your tools

Automatically keep your data up to date and receive alerts directly in the tools you already use today.

Alerts a la carte


How quickly is information updated with Alerts?

Information is updated daily and made available through our Alerts. This way you never work with outdated information and you don't miss a bankruptcy.

What changes are in the Alerts?

All important changes are included in our Alerts, such as status changes (for example bankruptcy), changes in health or credit limit or a change of address.

I prefer to work with lists in Excel, what now?

You can get started in a fully integrated manner via the alert service. You can also easily upload your customer file into Excel for follow-up.

I have a very large customer base. Can I fully monitor this?

Yes, it is even recommended to do this to always work with current data and insights. With Alerts on our API you can easily monitor thousands of companies and receive daily updates on important changes.

I have a customer base with incomplete or outdated data. How can I solve this?

With the Alerts via API, all your data is updated and enriched daily. At start-up, we can clean up your entire file with up-to-date information and enrich it with financial status and other insights.

I am only interested in a few companies, but I would like to be informed quickly and in detail when something happens there.

No problem, if you find a company on Companyweb that you want to follow up, you can easily add it to your personal alerts. As soon as something happens, you will receive an email with all the details and the option to click through to Companyweb.

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