Ann-Sophie Duvivier (SRL)


BE 0832.100.444

Poncheau(TH) 13
7901 Leuze-En-Hainaut
Principal activity

Financial data of Ann-Sophie Duvivier

2023 Financial statements 2022 Financial statements 2021 Financial statements 2020 Financial statements
Turnover €75,677
Profit/Loss €18,452
Equity €156,174
Gross margin €31,908

Frequently asked questions

What is the VAT number of Ann-Sophie Duvivier?
The VAT number of Ann-Sophie Duvivier is BE0832100444.
When was Ann-Sophie Duvivier founded?
Ann-Sophie Duvivier was founded on 21-12-2010.
What is the address of Ann-Sophie Duvivier?
The current registered office of Ann-Sophie Duvivier is located at Poncheau(TH) 13, 7901 Leuze-En-Hainaut.
When was the last time Ann-Sophie Duvivier filed their annual financial statements?
The most recent financial statements of Ann-Sophie Duvivier were filed on 25-06-2024. You can view them here.
How many employees does Ann-Sophie Duvivier have?
There are currently no employees working at Ann-Sophie Duvivier or no workforce information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Ann-Sophie Duvivier?
At the time of its most recent financial statements, Ann-Sophie Duvivier recorded a total turnover of €75,676.54.

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