Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting (SRL)


BE 0803.177.816

Leuvenselaan 443
3300 Tienen
Principal activity
Business and other management consultancy activities

Crisis resilience of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting

Which companies are best armed against current economic trends and the energy crisis?

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Financial data of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting

2023 Financial statements
Profit/Loss €46,743
Equity €45,697
Gross margin €62,437

Frequently asked questions

What is the VAT number of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting?
The VAT number of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting is BE0803177816.
When was Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting founded?
Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting was founded on 26-06-2023.
What is the address of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting?
The current registered office of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting is located at Leuvenselaan 443, 3300 Tienen.
When was the last time Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting filed their annual financial statements?
The most recent financial statements of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting were filed on 19-07-2024. You can view them here.
How many employees does Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting have?
There are currently no employees working at Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting or no workforce information is available.
What is the annual turnover of Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting?
At the time of its most recent financial statements, Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting did not publish any turnover figures. Mimir Coaching & Hr Consulting reported a gross margin of €62,436.78.

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